
Why you'll love KeyCue

Try KeyCue for free and see how it speeds up your workflow.

Shortcut Table

All shortcuts at a glance

Do you know all the shortcuts available to you? Most shortcuts remain unused simply because they’re hard to find. KeyCue provides a clear, structured overview of all available keyboard commands in any application. Instead of searching through menus, boost your productivity with a single hotkey.

Visualize system-wide hotkeys

macOS offers a range of powerful keyboard commands for navigation, screenshots, Spotlight, Exposé, and more. But remembering them all? That’s a challenge. KeyCue acts as your quick access tool, helping you discover, learn, and use time-saving shortcuts easily.

KeyCue Finder

Personalize your shortcuts

Create and customize shortcuts tailored to your needs

Why stick to default shortcuts when you can create your own? KeyCue lets you define custom shortcuts or adjust existing ones directly from the menubar. Adapt frequently used keyboard commands to fit your workflow and work more efficiently with fewer clicks.

KeyCue Editor

More useful features

Quickly access frequently used URLs

Find and open your most-visited websites instantly with KeyCue. Create your personal collection of go-to URLs and access them with a single shortcut. No more searching through bookmarks.

Url Collection

Open what you need with a single shortcut

KeyCue's file & folder shortcuts give you instant access to your most-used folders, helping you find and open important items faster.

Folder view

Explore emojis in no time

KeyCue includes a powerful emoji search, allowing you to find and insert emojis instantly. Search by text or simply browse the full collection. The fastet way to find and insert emojis on Mac. No more copying and pasting.


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