10 Tips to Improve your remote workspace

In the last two years, the pandemic has forced us to work from the safety of our homes. From one day to the other we had to pack our stuff and create a remote work environment. That hasn’t been easy.
Many are convinced that remote working is going to skyrocket in the future. Sooner or later, everybody will have to learn how to use it to his advantage. Here are ten tips which will help you improve your home - workspace.
1 Dress for work
Wearing your PJs every day sounds like a dream come true, doesn’t it?
Sure, comfortable clothes are great but we also get lazy. We recommend continuing with the office dress code. It boosts your productivity and it can help with your mental health. Dressing up for the job puts our minds in “work mode” and makes it easier to focus on our daily tasks.
It helps to separate work and free time since these two tend to blur when we stay home all day.
So, no pajamas. I know this kind of sucks but it helps!
2 A good seat
A good chair may seem obvious, but it is still often overlooked. We sit for a very long time every day and this can cause all kinds of health problems, but it is especially bad for our backs. Who doesn’t know somebody who complains about a constant back ache? Well, we might end up just like them if we don’t keep in mind how important a good seat is. Ergonomic chairs offer support for the spine and improve our remote workspace.
Tip: Adjust your monitor to your eye level and ensure that your keyboard is in line with your wrists.
3 Clean and fresh environment
This is an easy and budget-friendly way to improve your remote workspace. If the desk is tidy and clean, we seem to be more efficient overall.
Here is why: a mess can be a distraction and we want to limit distractions as best we can.
So, you might want to grab a cloth and clean and organize your desk. It is going to work wonders!
4 Morning routine
It surely is tempting to snooze your alarm until the very last minute. Don’t we all secretly do it sometimes? However, a proper morning routine is going to improve productivity during the day and you will feel fresh and ready to tackle any upcoming tasks.
We have all heard the expression: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Every meal is vital but it is true that eating something healthy before work will improve your efficiency.
5 Take breaks
We have been raving about the importance of breaks in 6 Ways to increase productivity at work but we can’t emphasize it enough. Make sure to occasionally take a breather because it helps you stay focused. Pauses will help you deliver the best possible outcome.
6 Communicate needs with other people at home
Nowadays we aren’t the only ones obligated to work from home. It might be that a partner, family member, or roommate is working remotely as well. Haven’t we all seen proof of that in our coworkers’ background in video calls?
It is crucial to communicate your needs. Make sure that everybody has their spot, where they can use all their tools and feel comfortable.
It is essential to limit distractions to the best of your abilities:
- wear noise-cancelling headphones
- try to keep your voice down
- stay at your desks during work hours
- keep your pets in check
If online meetings have taught us anything it is that cats and dogs undoubtedly are the cutest distractions, but they might be the biggest ones as well!
7 Track time
If tracking time makes you think of bulky clocks and laborious time cards, trust me I have good news for you. These are all yesterday’s news.
Time tracking has improved in recent years and now simple systems are available online.
Tracking time is important because when working from home it is a lot harder to keep control of the contracted hours and it also helps to know where your time goes.
Let’s keep it real guys, who wants to work overtime without getting paid?
8 Social time
Many of us can tell a thing or two about how working from home can become a little lonely.
In the first year of the pandemic alone global anxiety and depression have increased by 25% according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Bad mental health is terrible in and of itself and it also negatively affects our performance at work.
The solution to this problem is obvious: social time. Hanging out with friends and family in our free time gives us something to look forward to during work and boosts our productivity.
Make checking in on your buddies a priority and ask them to meet up. Isn’t this a fun tip?
9 Improve efficiency
Don’t we all want to finish our duties asap?
Maximizing efficiency is important no matter where or when you work. Luckily there are endless tips and hacks on how to do exactly that.
We have an article that focuses on this topic and all of these hacks can be implemented on home office days as well. Make sure to check it out.
10 Helpful tools
Do you need to write the same phrases over and over again, whether that is for filling out emails, or forms or answering support requests? Especially since working from home increased, written communication became even more important. Almost every day we type messages to our colleagues, and these are often repetitive. This is where text expander programs like Typinator come in handy, as they can help you with by lengthening predefined shortcuts to exactly these paragraphs and offer auto-correction tools.
Learn more about Typinator and try it for free. It will make your office days easier.
There are many tips and tricks to improve your remote workspace which help you be the best version of yourself. No matter where or when you work!
Save time with Typinator
Enter words, sentences, or even entire paragraphs by typing just a few characters. Save time for the really important things in life.
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